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5 Steps to being happy in the Holidays.

Updated: Apr 20, 2020

Let‘s make each moment new these holidays.

Don’t go into a situation with the same

thoughts you had from last time. Watch the miracles unfold before your eyes as people change when you stop assuming.

All too often we find ourselves on default mode expecting the outcome we have grown to learn that has embedded in us. What if you could allow yourself the freedom to allow a different outcome? This is limitless possibilities and it’s always for your greater good.

You get what you expect. If you really understood how great a Creator you are then you would choose something else.

So it’s time for Christmas Day lunch and maybe you’re dreading the all too often stuff that goes down or maybe you have high expectations. These are all judgments and do not serve you.

Step 1 Breathe and become present with what’s actually happening right now. Go through your five senses.

If you master this step the rest are unnecessary.

Step 2 Smile because everything is in Divine order and it’s not up to you to work out the how and control the outcome. You cannot anyway, so go forward with love and ease.

Step 3 If you’re anxious, fearful or overthinking remind yourself that worry never solved anything. Stay quiet and the answer will come to you. A calm mind is an open mind. A closed mind is attempting to control an outcome to feel safe and it’s your ego taking over.

Step 4 Be light, be bright and bring your best self and this will always be reflected back to you by those around you.

Step 5 Guaranteed joy. If you don’t like your surroundings you have the power to choose where you need to be for your greatest good. You always have a choice.

Love and light this Christmas and holiday Season, always Dionnie


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