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Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places.

Updated: Aug 31, 2020

We cannot really blame ourselves for our lack of understanding around love. The search for it evades most of us, it confuses us and some even fear it. If we haven't experienced love for the self then we cannot see it in others. The more we look outside to try and fill the void on the inside, the greater pain we cause ourselves and others.

Love is what you feel when you connect with the Divine part of you and this allows you to witness it in others. True Love is clouded and muddied with the narratives and experiences of the human condition. Carried in our collective consciousness are stories of betrayal, lust, power, powerlessness, unworthiness, control issues, victims, perpetrators, separation from God and many many other distortions. Looking around us doesn't help us understand it or help us find any connection to it. Our quest to claim it leads us more away from ourselves. Sadly love evades most people their whole life.

Many people purchase things to momentarily appease the mind's version of love but this is not long-lasting nor does it lead to feeling fulfilled. The lack or emptiness sends more messages of unworthiness and the cycle perpetuates. Sometimes you think you found it and you find yourself a slave to keeping it. When it is not real love, it controls you, it feels cumbrous and awkward, like it's hard work. It can be expensive to attempt to retain it and it's simply devastating to lose. The thing you are looking for is not a thing and no one thing will ever lead you to it. It is instead an all-encompassing way of being and it is infinite. It cannot be controlled, confined or restricted. Love manifests as a wonderful feeling to the human body. That's why we search for it, confuse it with other things, do anything for it and yearn for more. Love, is in fact a by-product of our strong connection to Source. It is always current and resides in the now. As we grow and look outwards every day, we forget the love we already are. Everybody we encounter mirrors back to us our disconnectedness from Source. Taking the time to connect with and awaken your spirit is the most vital ingredient for happiness and life satisfaction. As you return to the love that is innately you and understand who and what you are as a spiritual being having a human experience, the more you feel love, attract love and be love.

“Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.” – Rumi

You have taught yourself about love through books, life experiences and inherited patterns. If those raising you had a dysfunctional relationship with love, or rather with themselves , then how could they guide you?

A human body that is heavy and burdened with life's struggles is not a true love magnet. Give yourself the greatest gift you can and that is to take the time to look at your thoughts, behaviours and conditioning and be willing to first acknowledge what you are carrying around with you to no avail. Next unpack those things that are not for your greater good. Breathe in and feel the lightness of that state and as you relinquish the weary load, you will become more present and forget any sense of separation from your Source.

You were never forgotten. You were never abandoned. You are always one with Source and therefore one with all of creation. You are love. You are loved and it is that way already. There is nothing to prove and no one to save, just to live in the awareness of the Divine within you. As your spirit awakens the most amazing changes occur. You feel thankful, happy, fulfilled and elevated. You see the light in others and you will never sell yourself short again. As you continue to grow in love for yourself and awaken further, you attract someone at your new frequency and you get to share in a new kind of uplifting love. No longer is it ill-informed love or love from a place of ego. As you love your body and whole self and remember who and what you really are, you choose better options for this new version of you. You continue to evolve and have access to more of the infinite love that exists. Your lighter and higher vibrating body can now welcome and hold more love. The best part about this is, there is always more you can open to and it feels expansive and glorious. Perhaps you have felt that something is missing but you were unaware of what it was. You have searched for answers you felt existed, but you didn't know where to look. I invite you to take the journey within. Initially you may not like what you find, It may even repulse you, but the only way out is through the muck. Notice it and then clear it by choosing consciously. Connect with the all-knowing, all-loving part of yourself. Do your clearing and you will appear on the love radar as a shining, welcoming, happy, loving, light being. This is no simple task however. It requires great discipline of mind and actions and it is difficult for humans to let go of the things they hold onto even if they are deadweight and like a ball and chain. These things range from illnesses, trauma, loved ones and almost anything else you could think of. Even when we know what is good for us we persist in the self abuse, we choose from ego and we think we are relevant because of our job, to name but a few.

If you manage to stay the course you will hold yourself to a greater order and accountability. This will loop back to greater awareness and more self love. Your worth cannot be bought, sold or bargained with. You are a vast and eternal vessel of new possibilities and talents. This higher value you place on yourself and your existence will lay the vibrational foundations for a real love encounter with another, that you are equipped for and open to. Furthermore the connection to Source and love cannot be diminished or extinguished from the exterior and you are no longer a slave controlled by irrational fears and thoughts around love.

Support and guidance is available through a Life Transformed Coach such as myself and also my meditations can begin the process of awakening you to the patterns running your life and how to begin to choose consciously. I wish you well on your journey, Love & Light Dionnie Perform this meditation- Return To Love and if you haven't already subscribed to my channel on YouTube, please do so in the link below. We regularly post meditation and yoga videos -so hit that like button, comment if you want to connect and please share with your mates. Now is the time to take back your power.

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