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True Power

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

True Power begins with checking in with your self. Sit quietly, breathe and return yourself to a sense of calm.

Are you listening? If your answer is yes, can you honestly say yes? And then do you make choices and changes from the actions you are called to take? Are you giving your power away to others? Listening and following their advice even if it contradicts your intuition and sense of self. Doing what they've said to do even as you see the lack of happiness and results in their lives. Seems crazy doesn't it? But we do it all the time.

Trust that you do know what you need if you stop and observe.

You are love, beauty, light and so much power. Many abilities exist in you. You are capable but you've just had it conditioned out of you.

Time to dust off the tarnished connection to Source. It cant be lost.

It is woven into the matrix of life. You cant escape it or lose your divinity. You are Divine. Start treating yourself as the precious gift you are. You are unique and you have a story. All of the experiences you have encountered, patterns you have inherited, gifts you possess help make you special. As you observe yourself you awaken more within you and open up infinite possibilities.

Just like a flower you can blossom and bloom. A flower doesn't judge itself to be unworthy or less than another. It just is its best form all of the time.

So notice and become aware where your patterns/ things need to change. Allow yourself to step into your true power and choose consciously what is in your greatest good.

Getting out of danger, abuse, unfulfilling work, relationships or any situation not in your highest good requires you to identify it, choose something else and action it. When you appreciate your worth and truly know your worth, you realise there's no need to keep suffering. Putting yourself back in the situation is not aiding your spirit or happiness. Perhaps then you can see you have given your power away to someone else and you are prepared to suffer for them.

Notice the emotions showing up - anger, sadness, fear when you don't listen to yourself and you keep going back and repeating the patterns. That isn't utilising your power. It is harmful to your spirit, rewiring and teaching yourself that this is how things have to be. Where’s the glory in that? What are you hoping to achieve? Is that what you feel you deserve? You're more powerful than a pattern and a learnt response from your past. It served you well then. It was based on survival mode, a threat and a coping mechanism.

Now it's sending the same signal and firing the same responses. However, you are not under the same threat now. As you become more aware and begin throwing a light on things you are replaying, there is the potential for growth. You realise the situation requires a different action from you now. You have to say no to the things that show up if they look the same as your past. Saying yes will illicit the same responses and the cycle will perpetuate.

How empowering to be able to say no and see what opens up to you; the new possibilities that become available to you because you said no. Once you step up and act for your higher self, you see new options. Tapping into this power offers many benefits:

• It allows you to break free from the chains that have held you back.

• Freedom from the voice that says you can't do it.

• Freedom to choose from new options that are now available.

• Remembering how good it feels to choose and not be on repeat. •The awareness that you can choose and trust yourself. •You can create new outcomes and take back creative control of your life.

Keep this awareness every day. If anger shows up, get angry at yourself for repeating what‘s not serving you, then choose differently. Use your emotions to steer you back to your infinite, loving, powerful self that you have neglected. Notice your thoughts and stay present.

If you want to learn more and change your life please head to the link below. Each moment is a chance to awaken and start anew.

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